The only Wimpy one should ever visit

We are not big on supporting the larger commercial brands when it comes to eateries. However, there is one exception to the rule – actually, there are two. Number one is when they sponsor you, and this is number two: A South Coast holiday is not a holiday unless one stops at the Wimpy on the Margate beachfront.

We were welcomed by a lazy “seekat” chilling in the front door. We had coffee and then decided to also have breakfast. And we thought of Roline Haine while we were digging with our toes in the sand – she followed us on live tracking and correctly guessed where we were. This is life!


Wimpy, Margate Beach

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Wimpy, Margate Beach -30.862208, 30.371221 Eatery - Wimpy, Margate Beach

To have your establishment listed and reviewed like the establishments on these pages (AT A VALUE OF R25,305.00 - R65,100.00 AND AT NO CASH EXPENSE TO YOU) is very easy - and you don't even have to be on our wish list! Please visit our CONTACT page. To report any establishments listed here but not in operation anymore, or to correct any incorrect contact details, please CONTACT us.