Welkom Kafee – home of the Big Daddy hamburger

We travelled through Parys and had to stop for lunch. On the advice of the locals, we placed our order for Big Daddy hamburgers at Welkom Kafee.

Depending on how hungry you are and how big eater you are, you could easily stretch your hamburger to make two, three or even four meals of a burger. Irma and I shared our Ham & Cheeseburger and Hawaii burger. I got two meals out of mine and Irma three.

Below are photos of the owners of Welkom Kafee, JB and Wonnie Bezuidenhout and a little bit less of my first half of my Big Daddy. Make sure to have a burger from them next time you are in Parys.

Oh, #besembekkie is on a strict air pie diet so he did not get a burger.

Their fb page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Welkom-Kafee/1677606525836959


Welkom Kafee, Parys

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Welkom Kafee, Parys -26.899984, 27.461683 Welkom Kafee, Parys

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