Non-Verified Place of Accommodation

 Non-Verified / by besembek / 548 views

As a manager or owner of any type of place of accommodation where you allow persons to overnight at a fee (sometimes not e.g. POPs (Park On Property) – mainly used by users of motorhomes on road trips), you are welcome to place a listing of your place of accommodation here for free.

We will check and edit before we approve and publish your listing. We sometimes may reject listings if it does not fit with the purpose of this site.

Almost all kinds of places are welcome. Lodges, B&Bs, farm-stays, guest houses, hotels, in town or out-of-town, unique places, tree houses, caves, historical places, starred or non-starred, long-term or short-term stays. Name it, we are almost certain it will work for us.

Should you have multiple units with different properties list them all separately. If your units are very similar or the same list them as one but mention how many units of those you have available.

Include important information for example number of beds, rooms, bathrooms, shower and/or bathtub. If your place is wheelchair friendly mention that also and don’t forget to mention that you are pet-friendly if that is the case.

You will need to include a telephone number, e-mail address and web address. Should you not have a web address see the following web page for professional services you may not need to pay any cash for should you prepared to barter.

Your full address will help us to place your facility on our map. Only one image is allowed to use, thus make sure it is one that will best represent your unit and will make people want to book with you.

To have your establishment listed and reviewed like the establishments on these pages (AT A VALUE OF R25,305.00 - R65,100.00 AND AT NO CASH EXPENSE TO YOU) is very easy - and you don't even have to be on our wish list! Please visit our CONTACT page. To report any establishments listed here but not in operation anymore, or to correct any incorrect contact details, please CONTACT us.

  • Listing ID: 2674
  • Reviewed by Besembek et alia and published in:: This listing has not been reviewed and will not be considered for publication until reviewed. Only select category "Non-Verified" if your listing has not been reviewed by Besembek et alia