
This is an example of a Listing. You are more than welcome to use this as a basis for your own listings. Use the name of your place as the title. Write your text in an easy-to-read style, rather than bulleted points. Cover the following...

 Non-Verified /  South Africa

As a manager or owner of any type of place of accommodation where you allow persons to overnight at a fee (sometimes not e.g. POPs (Park On Property) - mainly used by users of motorhomes on road trips), you are welcome to place a listing...

 Non-Verified /  South Africa

To have your establishment listed and reviewed like the establishments on these pages (AT A VALUE OF R25,305.00 - R65,100.00 AND AT NO CASH EXPENSE TO YOU) is very easy - and you don't even have to be on our wish list! Please visit our CONTACT page. To report any establishments listed here but not in operation anymore, or to correct any incorrect contact details, please CONTACT us.